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24 PGCL adsorbing sutures


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24 PGCL adsorbing sutures

4-0 or 5-0 USP with 3/8 Reverse Cutting Needle. 

PGCL is a copolymer of PGA and caprolactone with a high initial tensile strength.  PGCL sutures provide the following features:

  • Synthetic uncoated monofilament suture. 

  • Easy pull-through and minimal inflammation.

  • Violet colour to aid visualisation in use. 


    • 60-70% Tensile strength at 7 days.

    • 30% Tensile strength at 14 days.

    • Zero tensile strength at 28 days with no materials remaining at 90 days. 


General oral surgery, implant and periodontal use where review is not required.


Each suture is £3.75 in a box of 24 or as low as £2.81 when 3 + 1 boxes are purchased. 

Price comparison for Vicryl:

  • £4.42 each at Swallow Dental (£53.06/12)

  • £5.29 each at Dental Sky (£63.55/12, June 24)

  • £5.31 each at General Medical Supply (£63.81/12, June 24)


See a simple table which outlines the different characteristics of our suture types. 

Prolene, Dacron, GoreTex, Dexon, Vicryl and Vicryl Rapide are registered trademarks and unconnected with Restore Surgical Limited.

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