
Chondro Matrix by Powerbone

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Hydrophilic, Porous and Cell-free, this fully adsorbing coated implant helps regenerate articular cartilage in knee, ankle, or hip.

25 x 25 x 1.1mm


  • Non-woven (Poly DL-lactide-PDL45) polymer matrix.

  • Created by advanced Jet-Spray Technique.

  • Easily cut without fragmentation.

  • Sodium Hyaluronate Coating.

Provides structural support for 4 to 6 months.

  • Unlike collagen alternatives, Chondro Matrix contains no animal or human tissue.



  • Cartilage repair and for the surgical treatment of pain and restricted mobility in degenerative and traumatic changes of the synovial joints.

  • Intra-articular haemostasis and for protecting the underlying tissue when there is pain and restricted freedom of movement in cases of degenerative and traumatic changes in the synovial joints. 


  • Known allergies to one of the constituents.

  • Do not implant Chondro Matrix directly into the bloodstream.

  • Patients who have to undergo chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy up to three weeks after the implant.

  • Children or pregnant and lactating women or patients with inflammatory joint diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and Bechterew‘s disease.


Chondro Matrix is a high-tech sterile absorbable matrix with sponge-like characteristics.  The non-woven Polymer strands are treated with Sodium Hyaluronate to aid in the healing of articular cartilage damages within a bone-marrow stimulating technique.  Chondro Matrix is a cell-free implant for joint cartilage repair and used for cartilage repair and for the surgical treatment of pain and restricted mobility in degenerative and traumatic changes of the synovial joints.

Chondro Matrix is intended to cover traumatic cartilage defects in the healing of articular cartilage defects. The compact layer with a smooth surface plays the role of a barrier, preventing the mesenchymal stem cells from diffusing into the joint space and protecting them against mechanical stress.  Chondro Matrix induces mesenchymal progenitor cells (stem cells) to differentiate into cartilage cells.


The PGA polymer of Chondro Matrix is metabolised by the body into CO2 and H2O. 

MORE INFO to learn more or to discuss a suitable case.