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6 KometaBio Processing Packs for Dentin Bone Graft


All prices are Excl VAT.

Multi-pack for six complete processes (6 x sterile chambers, 6 x sterile jars 6 x 2 solutions).

Grind the tooth with KometaBio Dentin Bone Graft Processing Unit and use one KometaBio Dentin Bone Graft Processing Pack to transform the particles into a clean growth factor-rich autologous bone graft.

  • Osteoinductivity and growth factor/BMP rich.   

    • Dentin graft processed with KometaBio contains type 1 Collagen plus growth factors (BMP-2 & TGF) – just like bone.

    • Up to 63% vital new bone.

    • Direct (Ankylosis) shown by histology. (See below)

  • Cost-effective efficiency. 

    • One molar tooth can generate up to 2.5cc of usable graft at a consumables cost of c£23 per cc (+vat)

  • High patient engagement and acceptance. 

    • Patients are more engaged stimulating increased consent for implant restorations.


  • Ridge Preservation. (AKA Socket Preservation)

Teeth recycled using KometaBio offer a high-density graft ideal for long-term volume preservation when placed in a freshly extracted and degranulated socket.

  • Immediate Placement Defects.

Use the osteoinductive stem cell and growth factors alone or as supplements to fully resorbable particulates such as Powerbone Granules or mix with Powerbone Biphasic for enhanced volume preservation.

  • Sticky Bone.

Combine KometaBio-prepared Dentin with a freshly prepared PRF membrane (slug) to create an osteoinductive sticky bone graft. (See separate protocol)

  • Ridge Augmentation.

Use alone or combine KometaBio prepared Dentin Dentin graft with a fully resorbing bioactive synthetic (Here) graft for onlay or inlay procedures. For grafting outside the bone envelope consider combining with slowly resorbing xenograft Ti-Oss or Powerbone Biphasic Granules.  


Step-by-step tutorial on using the KometaBio ‘Genesis’ kit to create a patient-specific autologous graft from an extracted molar.


EDUCATION AND ONLINE LECTURE – Dr Bob Horowitz. Link here.

Tooth Grinder  Dentin Grinder