Remove Doubt when placing Dental Implants with the Penguin RFA (ISQ) Implant stability device.
Kit includes the Penguin RFA wireless device, AC power adapter & MulTipeg Driver.
WHY Penguin RFA?
A quick measure of implant stability enhances decisions for all cases. Especially so in higher-risk patients, cases of simultaneous placement & grafting, early or immediate load or as an objective record to share with colleagues or record in the patient notes. Unlike the Osstell Beacon Device which requires single-use Smart Pegs, Penguin RFA works with re-usable MulTipegs saving you hassle and money.
HOW DOES Penguin RFA work?
Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) was introduced to implant dentistry more than 20 years ago. A peg attached to the implant is excited when the Penguin RFA unit is brought into close contact. The resistance to vibration frequency is measured by the instrument and presented as an ISQ (Implant Stability) score from 1 to 99. The ISQ value correlates strongly to the micro-mobility of the dental implant which in turn depends on bone quality and osseointegration.
INTRODUCING – PenguinII, the Next Generation RFA Device with extra features. See HERE
Over 1000 articles covering ISQ and Resonance Frequency Analysis have been published since 1996. See below.
Choose the MulTipeg for the implant system you wish to measure. Download the latest MulTipeg implant compatibility listing MulTipeg list_latest or search via the Penguin MulTipeg site at
Download our Tips and Tricks Guide which provides answers to the frequently asked questions about using the Penguin RFA to remove doubt in Dental implant procedures at Penguin RFA_Tips & Tricks_Implant Store_March 21
We especially recommend the summarising article by Prof. Lars Sennerby which can be downloaded at Sennerby study 2015
Other key references are:
1. Sennerby L, Meredith N. Periodontology 2000, Vol. 47, 2008, 51–66
2. Kokovic V, Jung R, Feloutzis A, Todovoric V, Jurisic M, Hämmerle C. Clinical Oral Implants Research, 00, 2013, 1-6
3. M Bornstein, C Hart, S Halbritter, D Morton, D Buser, Prof. Dr. med. dent. Clin Implant Dent Relat Res 2009
4. Serge Baltayan, Joan Pi-Anfruns, Tara Aghaloo, Peter Moy. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 74:1145-1152, 2016
5. PO Östman, Private practitioner, Falun- and Biomaterial Group, Sahlgrenska Academy Gothenburg. Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research, Volume 7, Supplement 1, 2005
6. Daniel Rodrigo, Luis Aracil, Conchita Martin, Mariano Sanz. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 21, 2010; 255-261
7. Pagliani L, Sennerby L, Petersson A, Verrocchi D, Volpe S & Andersson P. Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2012
8. P Trisi Phd, T Carlesi DDS, M Colagiovanni DDS, G Perfetti MD, DDS. Journal of Osteology and Biomaterials, Volume 1, Number 3, 2010
9. S Hicklin, E Schneebeli, V Chappuis, S Francesco, M Janner, D Buser, U Brägger. Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 00, 2015; 1-9
10. L. Milillo, C. Fiandaca, F. Giannoulis, L. Ottria, A. Lucchese, F. Silvestre, M. Petruzzi. Oral & Implantology – anno IX – n. 3/2016