Regen Store

Sinus Lateral Window Reamer Kit -‘DASK’ type


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A simple kit enabling a safe and economical lateral window ‘DASK’ approach for sinus augmentation ahead of or in combination with dental implant placement.  

Dental Studio Sinus Reamer Kit offers clinicians a simple, conservative technique for reliable sinus elevation procedures. Instruments included in the Dental Studio Sinus Reamer Kit provide straightforward exposure to the sinus cavity, reducing chair time and decreasing post-surgery discomfort for patients.

When used with Powerbone Putty or granules clinicians have the ability to perform well-controlled maxillary sinus augmentation.

Dental Studio Sinus Reamer Kit forms part of the more complete Sinus (Lateral Window Kit) and Combined (Lateral and Crestal approach kits) from Dental Studio all of which offer comprehensive solutions for easy and reliable sinus lift and elevation procedures.

Dental Studio Sinus Reamer Kit includes diamond-coated drills and drill stoppers of varying lengths which help prevent sinus membrane perforation when creating the access window.  The full Dental Studio Sinus Reamer kit comprises:


Sinus Reamers – ø8.0mm and 6.5/8.0mm.

Sinus Diamond Reamer – ø6.5/ø8.0mm.

Diamond Core Reamer – ø7.0mm.

Lateral Stoppers – 1.0mm, 1.5mm, 2.0mm, 2.5mm, 3.0mm.

Side Drill ø7.0mm.

Dental studio lateral sinus reamer kit



Regen Store supplies a choice of bone grafts and barriers differentiated by origin, handling, delivery and resorption profile.  We recommend Powerbone (membrane-free) Dental Putty for placement into the sinus due to its perfect handling and delivery.

Select from your ideal characteristics HERE


Dental Studio Korea based in Gyenggi-do, south of the Korean capital Seoul, focuses on tools to aid Dental Implant and Bone Regeneration surgery.  Dental Studio produces own-label kits for well-known companies worldwide.  Regen Store provides the exact same kits direct from the factory at great savings. 


Download the complete Dental Studio UK product catalogue. DENTAL STUDIO_UK Catalogue