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1. Scarano A, Piattelli A, Polimeni A, Di Iorio D, Carinci F. Bacterial adhesion on commercially pure titanium and anatase‑coated titanium healing screws: An in vivo human study. J Periodontol 2010;81:1466‑71. 2. Visai L, Rimondini L, Giordano C, Del Curto B, Sbarra MS, Franchini R, et al. Electrochemical surface modification of titanium for implant abutments can affect oral bacteria contamination. J Appl Biomater Biomech 2008;6:170‑7.
3. Resende M, Martinez EF. Topographic characterization and in vitro biofilm adhesion to titanium and polypropylene membranes used for alveolar preservation. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2020;24:316-21.
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