Regen Store

48 PTFE Mono Non adsorbable Sutures


All prices are Excl VAT.

REGEN STORE DISCOUNT - Buy 5 get a 6th Free!

3 x 12 plus 1 x 12 free = 48 PTFE Mono Non-Adsorbable Microsurgical Sutures  

*Teflon Type* *GoreTex type* *Coreflon Type* *Cytoplast Type*

4/0 or 5/0 USP with 3/8 Reverse Cutting Needle. 

FEATURES – PTFE Mono Non-Adsorbable Microsurgical Suture 

PTFE suture has the advantages of monofilament materials – excellent healing, no microbe and bacteria harbouring without the disadvantages such as package memory and stiff knot contributing to patient discomfort.  Leading Implantologists & Periodontists recommend PTFE sutures.

  • Easy handling – soft & pliable

  • Minimal tissue trauma & drag

  • Resistance to microbes and infection

  • Minimal to zero package memory – no curl-up

  • Biologically inert

  • Excellent knot security

  • No discomfort for the patient (soft edges)

  • Ideal aesthetic results

  • No degradation

  • No weak spots on the strand when crimped

  • Pure PTFE, without additives


Oral Surgery, Bone grafting, Dental and Maxillofacial Surgery and Plastic surgery.


Each suture is £6.88 when 3 boxes plus 1 box free are purchased. By comparison, Cytoplast is £12.25 each when 12 are bought at General Medical (June 24).


PTFE suture has the advantages of monofilament materials – excellent healing, no microbe and bacteria harbouring without the disadvantages such as package memory and stiff knot contributing to patient discomfort. PTFE suture from Regen and Implant Store offers these benefits at a lesser cost than the big brand equivalents such as Teflon, GoreTex, Coreflon and Cytoplast types. 

Prolene, Dacron, GoreTex, Cytoplast, Teflon, Dexon, Vicryl and Vicryl Rapide are registered trademarks and unconnected with Restore Surgical Limited.