Each Penguin MulTipeg is specific to the dental implant and attaches just like an abutment. When tightened with a MulTipeg Driver, a measure of Dental Implant Stability can be taken by a Penguin RFA device.
With the MulTipeg attached to the dental implant a magnetic pulse is sent from the PenguinRFA device and its rebound is shown as an ISQ score where a value above 70 indicates a stable implant.
Comparison measures are critical.
At placement, an implant relies on its mechanical stability called primary stability. This number will drop shortly after placement due to micro-trauma at the implant-bone contact caused by the drilling and compression forces. As the bone remodels around the implant biological stability forms. For this reason, two or more measures are recommended to show changes at placement during the healing period and or before loading.
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Email Implant Store on ask@implant-store.co.uk
Email Regen Store on ask@regen-store.co.uk
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