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24 Polyamid mono sutures -‘Ethilon’ / ‘Prolene’ type


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24 x Polyamid Mono – Blue nylon non-resorbing monofilament sutures.

**Similar to Prolene, Ethilon** 

4/0 or 5/0 USP with 3/8 Reverse Cutting Needle. (16mm is the standard needle size. A 12mm needle is also available)


  • Resistant to infection

  • Smooth easy pull-through.

  • Minimal tissue reaction.

  • Uniform diameter filament.

  • Excellent knot hold.


Ideal for sites where a review is scheduled.  Can also be used on infected sites.


Each suture is £3.29 or as low as £2.47 when 3+1 free offer is taken.  By comparison, Prolene is £4.30 each (£51.63/12) at Medical Sutures and £4.61 each (£166.83/36) at General Medical Supplies (July 24)

MATERIAL COMPARISON: See a simple table which outlines the characteristics of our suture types.


Prolene, Dacron, GoreTex, Dexon, Vicryl and Vicryl Rapide are registered trademarks and unconnected with Restore Surgical Limited.

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