£59.00 – £278.00
Sticky Bone Protocol_Powerbone at Regen Store_Sept20
*REFERENCES 1.Iimori Y, Kameshima Y, Yasumori A, Okada K. Effect of solid/solution ratio on apatite formation from CaSiO3 ceramics in simulated body fluid. J Mater Sci Mater Med 2004;15:1247–1253. 2.Xu S, Lin K, Wang Z, Chang J, Wang L, Lu J, Ning C. Reconstruction of calvarial defect of rabbits using porous calcium silicate bioactive ceramics. Biomaterials 2008;29:2588–2596. 3.Hing KA, Wilson LF, Buckland T. Comparative performance of three ceramic bone graft substitutes. Spine J. 2007; 7(4):475-490. 4.Nagineni, Vamsi V., et al. "Silicate-substituted calcium phosphate ceramic bone graft replacement for spinal fusion procedures." Spine 37.20 (2012): E1264-E1272. 5.Dashnyam, K.; El-Fiqi, A.; Buitrago, J.O.; Perez, R.A.; Knowles, J.C.; Kim, H.-W. A mini-review focused on the proangiogenic role of silicate ions released from silicon-containing biomaterials. J. Tissue Eng. 2017, 8, 1–13. 6.Test Report Bonegraft Biologic, No: 2018-BME-05-1, 2018-BME-05-2, 2018-BME-05-3 and 2018-BME-05-4. 7.Licina et al, Comparison of (SiCAP) with (Infuse) in Posterolateral Instrumented Lumbar Fusion Global Spine J 2015;5:471–478.
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